I initially faced challenges with applying colors to my screens, the initial iteration had a mess of colors that subtracted from the “reliability” of this app. I also, truthfully, dreaded the day when I had to design breakpoints. At the time, I felt semi-competent about utilizing grids, but worried about being able to expand the content to a bigger screen. Of course it seemed daunting! All I had were placeholders and “lorem ipsum...” littering the screens. It was hard for me to imagine a bigger screen when I didn’t have the full picture, down to the last details.
Going into this project, I felt deeply unconfident with my visual design skills. I could tell when a UI was visually appealing, but not how to apply it in practice. Do I still have some improvements to strive for? Absolutely! Nonetheless, I look back at my first project all the way to now and I can confidently say I’m at a better place than I was then.